Thursday, July 2, 2015

Grab a Mug and Join Me!

Do you know what the most popular drink in the world is? The one that is drank more than any other drink for its sheer wonderfulness? Your first guess would probably be water, because it is necessary for survival. And you would be right.

But do you know what the second most popular drink in the world is? In this case, I’m willing to bet that most people would probably think that it is coffee. I can understand that; coffee has a certain unique way of bringing people together. People have important meetings and share big ideas over coffee. Yet, it is not the second most-popular drink in the world. Do you want to know what is? 


That’s right; you could say that boiled leaves beat boiled beans. And I for one completely understand this fact. People might have business meetings over a cup of coffee, but they connect with others on a spiritual level over a cup of tea. There is just something so perfect about taking time out of your day to brew a cup of tea and sit to enjoy it, whether by yourself or with a friend.

I have very fond memories of being a little girl and having real “tea parties” with my mom. Every day after lunch, my mom would take out her blue teapot and two tea mugs, and we would sit and just enjoy our quiet moment as we sipped our hot beverages.

As I’ve gotten older, my tastes have changed. I no longer fill my tea with sugar and milk; I let the flavors of the tea leaves take over and I try not to dilute it too much. But the one thing that I don’t think will ever change about me is my appreciation for “tea time,” and my devotion to the serenity that is created by the special ritual of making and enjoying tea.

This feeling is one that I hope to create with my blog “Tea Time with the GWA.” My life is going to become very busy over the next year, and although I intend to enjoy every minute of it, I also look forward to my moments of quiet contemplation when I will be able to write about all of my exciting adventures. For you, my readers, I hope that this blog will create an opportunity for you to grab a cup of your favorite tea and share in my experiences while escaping the busy rush of everyday life. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy.

What am I drinking today? Irish Breakfast Tea from David’s Tea!

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