some point or another, everyone has heard the phrase “time flies when you’re
having fun!” In many cases, this phrase is uttered sarcastically, as a person
endures, for example, what is surely the most painstaking hour of algebra they
have ever encountered. In other cases, however, this saying is used in a very
genuine way.
I was in kindergarten, we were given thirty minutes a day to do anything we
wanted. Think about that. We were a group of twenty-three kindergarteners who
were given free reign in a classroom full of toys, games, dress-up clothes, and
other children with whom to play. It was a glorious half hour. What did I spend
this time doing? Every day I had the same routine: I would take myself over to
the corner of the room that contained a small red bench, three walls decorated
with autumn leaves, and a tall bookcase, and I would sit quietly by myself and
read. Thinking about this, you’re probably not surprised that I grew up to
write a blog about tea, are you? But that was truly the best part of
kindergarten for me and was the start of my lifelong love for books. My point
is that I did this every single day of kindergarten and by the end of the year,
it felt like no time had gone by at all. I remember being saddened by my last
day of school and remarking to my teacher that the year had passed so quickly.
Most of all, I remember that this was the first time I had ever been told that
“time flies when you’re having fun!” and believing it with my whole heart.
weekend, I attended a reception for one of our assemblies, where I learned that
we have less than half the year left until Grand Assembly and the official end
of the yearly term. There is already conversations happening about who will
take office next year, and I have begun planning for Grand Assembly in June. I
don’t know why it has taken me so long to realize that this year is passing
with remarkable speed, but I guess that it is the same sensation that I
experienced at a young age; time really does fly when you’re having fun.
it’s not just me; I’ve attended many installations in the past month and heard
girls talk about their experiences in office and the impact that their terms as
Worthy Advisor have had on them. I think that it is very easy to get caught up
in the moment of the things we are experiencing. Especially at the point of
young adulthood, we are taught to always be looking to our future, and to
prepare today for what will come tomorrow. But if there is anything that I have
learned from this feeling of the rapid passage of time, it is the importance of
looking back on your journey. Be careful not to overlook your accomplishments
and the support that you have received from others. I have had such a wonderful
term so far and I look forward to everything that will happen for the rest of
is flying, but I can’t wait to look back on all the fun I am having with my
Rainbow family.
is the tea selection for this rather pensive post? Red Velvet Cake from David’s